4 Ideas on How to Maximize Your Bedroom Storage

Your bedroom should be a haven to relax after a long day at work. It is the one room in the house that should scream serenity, cleanliness and organization so your body and mind can relax properly. However, if your bedroom is full of clutter and the wardrobe door can't close because of the overflowing clothes inside, it is impossible to rest or even sleep soundly. Here are four tips to help you keep the bedroom organized and maximize storage space:

Cleanse the Wardrobe

Take out everything from your closet and sort out the stuff that you haven't worn in a long time. You can either give away or dispose of all the clothes and shoes that are old, small, big or out of style. This step is challenging as most people are sentimental, but it's necessary to get rid of stuff you don't use anymore to create more room.

Have a Storage Plan

Identify clothes that you should hang and those that need to be folded. Most blouses, skirts, dresses, jackets and everything that can crease badly should be hanged while knitwear, t-shirts, and socks should be folded neatly to prevent stretching. Go a step further and decide how you will store the clothes systematically. You can choose to have all the trousers in one area, shirts in another and so forth. Alternatively, you can arrange your clothes according to their color so that finding something will be easy and fast.

Utilize Walls Space

If your wardrobes are full of clothes and shoes, you can create more storage space on the walls using hooks, pegs, and tension rods to hold handbags, hats, ties and scarves. Coats and umbrellas can be hung behind the door and all small items placed in drawers. Another way to utilize wall space is by building shelves, drawers or putting a mobile shoe rack beside the wall for more storage of shoes, books, and clothes.

Utilize the bed and Nightstand

The bed doesn't have to be used for sleeping only. You can utilize the space below the bed, next to headboard and besides the footboard as more storage. Install a few shelves or drawers in these three areas where you can store clothes, linens, towels, and jewelry.

Besides being creative about using the space you have, you can enhance your bedroom storage by organizing. Always take a few minutes every day to organize and dust the closet and the entire room so it can remain the haven you want it to be.
