How to Choose the Right Material for Your New Curtains

When choosing new curtains, you don't want to make your decision based on the appearance of the panels alone. While it's good to choose a colour and pattern that will blend well with a particular room and all its furniture and linens, you also want to think about the material of those curtain panels. Some materials will hang very straight, while others might move around in even the slightest breeze, and others will actually provide insulation against drafts and outside noise. To ensure you choose the best curtains for your home, note a few tips on finding the best material or fabric.


Silk curtains may look very attractive, but they are prone to what is called sun rot, or damage due to overexposure to direct sunlight., so silk is not the best choice for any room that will get lots of direct sun. Silk also shows fingerprints, so choose another fabric if you select curtains you need to open manually rather than with a cord or motor. Cotton is much more durable than silk, and some cotton curtains can even be put in a washing machine rather than being dry cleaned, making them very easy to maintain over the years.


A thick wool backing on curtain panels can offer more insulation against drafts and cold air coming through the window, but it can also be a bit unsightly when the curtains move around in the wind. A cotton damask weave uses the same thread and a special type of weave pattern to create a raised pattern on both sides of the curtain. This can make it the most attractive choice for a thicker curtain panel that will still move around and have its backing exposed in an open window.

Velvet versus crushed velvet

Velvet curtains are very elegant and can also add some insulation to a draughty room. However, velvet often shows marks when it's touched and pressed, and plain velvet may be a bit bland and dull. Crushed velvet for curtains has been specifically crushed or pressed by a machine; this keeps the material from showing marks where you might touch the curtains, and the crushed texture reflects light, keeping the panels from looking muddy and dull. If you love the soft feeling of velvet and want to add some luxury to a room, but don't want the material to seem too dull or show fingerprints, opt for crushed velvet.
